So, the garden is SET! 2015 promises to be our best harvest (thus saith every farmer in the history of mankind). We’ve had the raised bed gardens for a couple of years now, and this year we decided to get the beds as healthy as possible prior to the first planting. The beds are absolutely filled to the brim with compost, we’ve added organic, natural supplements to get the N/P/K levels correct (as well as the pH), and we’ve made a strong commitment to heirloom seeds this year. Read more
We Love Memphis
Memphis BBQ
I recently read an article that listed things that people from outside Memphis have to explain to people who are visiting (the article was SPOT ON and you can read it here.) Number 6 was my favorite (it was, in point of fact, a LOL moment), stating that asking who has the best barbeque in Memphis will instantly tense up a room. Read more
Eating in Memphis
Eating around Memphis has been getting really fun in the last few years as the foodie scene has taken hold and attracted some really amazing restaurants. I’ve been fortunate to travel the world, and experience great food in places like SanFran, NYC, Chicago, Europe, etc. So, when I offer up the premise that Memphis has some really great places to dine, I hope you’re own experiences will jive with our recommended favorites. Read more

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