Third Place in Writing Competition

This year, I participated in the Belles Lettres competition, representing Becket House in this annual challenge issued by Athanasius House.  The competition involved writing a 26-sentence of  “a descriptive spoken account of an event or performance as it happens” (in my case, about Thomas Becket).  Each sentence had to start with sequential letters of the alphabet, in order, A to Z.  It also had to be composed in first person.  Several entrants from each house competed, by composing then reciting the paper before the Upper School, guests, and the judges.   Read more

The migration

The migration

It can be, shall we say, rather a pain to migrate content from an old site to a new one.  We built the first pages for in Netscape (remember that lil’ billion dollar dot-com that evaporated?) when Houston was born.  The we discovered Front Page, the NetObjects, then Sandvox….you get the picture.   So rather than import or migrate all the old stuff, we are just going to post some links to the old content, and continue to move our photo libraries over to Google.  Enjoy!

Photo from the Mediterranean cruise

Photo from the Mediterranean cruise