Friends and scenes around Farallon

Friends and scenes around Farallon

Farallon is about a 2-3 hour journey from Panama City.  There is a large, Canadian owned resort at the edge of the peninsula, and beyond that the rest of the area is the small village of Farallon.  Mark and Miriam have decided to invest themselves in the community, and through maintaining a home there and living there several months a year, they’ve been able to build strong relationships and really learn the needs of the people there.

Its a great community, complete with a little general store, a school, a couple of restaurants and roadside food stands, Read more

Having fun in Panama (2012)

Having fun in Panama (2012)

All four of us joined Mark and Miriam and a small team of guys to go work on a small community center for the kids of Farallon.  The kids got an extra week out of school (Hannah jumped, Houston was a little less excited about missing so many days) and we spent 8 days there on this trip.  The Super Bowl was played the day after we arrived, and we don’t have access to any television in Farallon.  So, we tried to make it all week without learning who won the game so we could watch it when we returned a week later.  All of us gave in except Willie, but we didn’t spoil the surprise.  However, flying back the following Sunday, someone in an airport restaurant asked him what he thought about the Giants win….ARRRGHHH Read more

2011 Project

2011 Project

We went down in January 2011 to begin work on Romalia’s house (it was nice to get out of the cold and snow in Memphis, and spend some time on the Pacific coast for a few days).  She’d never lived in a home with concrete walls (guessing she was in her 50s), and was really excited about the prospect of having a small, simple but stable home to live in with the extended family she was caring for.

To say I learned a lot on this trip is a fantastic understatement.  I’d never worked with concrete Read more