So, the garden is SET! 2015 promises to be our best harvest (thus saith every farmer in the history of mankind). We’ve had the raised bed gardens for a couple of years now, and this year we decided to get the beds as healthy as possible prior to the first planting. The beds are absolutely filled to the brim with compost, we’ve added organic, natural supplements to get the N/P/K levels correct (as well as the pH), and we’ve made a strong commitment to heirloom seeds this year. Read more
Eric’s posts

The New(Somes).com
How’s that for a title? We are upgrading to a new WordPress driven site, migrating away from the old build-a-page-at-a-time technologies to the new social world. In the interim, for those rare occasions when people may miss old content, we will be posting, um, posts, to link you with the old photo libraries.
Thanks for hanging in there with us as we move into a connected, blogging world.

The old pages
As we continue to migrate the old site to the new site, you can find all of the former Eric Cyberstuff here. Promise to start blogging soon, must finish Young Frankenstein at Theatre Memphis…
Until then, visit the old pages here:

The migration
It can be, shall we say, rather a pain to migrate content from an old site to a new one. We built the first pages for in Netscape (remember that lil’ billion dollar dot-com that evaporated?) when Houston was born. The we discovered Front Page, the NetObjects, then Sandvox….you get the picture. So rather than import or migrate all the old stuff, we are just going to post some links to the old content, and continue to move our photo libraries over to Google. Enjoy!