The migration

The migration

It can be, shall we say, rather a pain to migrate content from an old site to a new one.  We built the first pages for in Netscape (remember that lil’ billion dollar dot-com that evaporated?) when Houston was born.  The we discovered Front Page, the NetObjects, then Sandvox….you get the picture.   So rather than import or migrate all the old stuff, we are just going to post some links to the old content, and continue to move our photo libraries over to Google.  Enjoy!

Photo from the Mediterranean cruise

Photo from the Mediterranean cruise


May sound strange, but…  We felt overwhelmingly welcome and comfortable in Sicily.  This is OLD world Italy, not really tourist-y or accommodating for Americans, but the charm and mystique simply consumes you.  We met some new friends here that we’d been sailing with for a few days but just hadn’t met on-board or on other excursions, and we really enjoyed exploring the city with them.

sicily Read more


Our Mediterranean cruise afforded us the opportunity to spend some time in North Africa.  We were privileged to spend time in ancient Carthage, modern-day Tunisia.

One of the real highlights of the day was shopping in the market.  On the bus, the guide told us that Tunisia has 2 official national sports: soccer and bargaining.  Houston wanted to try his hand Read more


So, funny thing about Napoli…..

We flew into Rome and rented a car to get to Naples, where we initially boarded our week-long Mediterranean cruise.  Eric got his international drivers license, and was truly excited about a) getting to drive on the wrong side of the road, and 3) strolling down the West Coast of Italy to kill a few hours between landing in Rome and getting on the cruise. Read more

San Diego

San Diego

Here’s the link to the photos from our San Diego trip in 2007.  This was such a fun trip for us–Rach and I went for the annual Continuous Veno-Veno Hemofiltration Conference, and the place was ELEEEEEECTRIC!   We took in Old Town, made a Tijuana run and rode a mechanical bull, did a weekend trip to Temecula and toured wine/olive country, and spent a lot of time out on Coronado Island at and around The Del.  I stopped into a local pub and struck up a conversation with the owner, who happened to be a retired Navy Seal who served in Vietnam and wrote a book about his experiences (which I bought, he signed, and I gave to my dad for Father’s Day).

Stay classy....

Stay classy….